The Pirates are returning to Plymouth on Saturday, May 18th for the fifth annual Pirates Ashore event, and they’re bent on mayhem. The New Plimmoth Gard, The Mayflower Society, and two maritime reenactor groups – the Crew of the Raven and the Free Men of the Sea – will relive this tumultuous chapter in Plymouth history in Plymouth Harbor, throughout Downtown Plymouth, and on the front lawn of the Mayflower Society House (with the Spire Center as the rain location).
Friday, May 17, 2019
7 p.m. Lecture: TBD
Mayflower Society House, 4 Winslow St., Plymouth, MA
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Rain Location: Spire Center for the Performing Arts, 25 1/2 Court St, Plymouth, MA 02360
10 a.m.
Old Colony Club fires cannon to alert Plymouth Colony of mysterious visitors in the harbor…
10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
Join the New Plimmoth Gard at the State Pier as they confront the Privateers coming ashore.
After cautiously allowing them into the town, the group will walk through the waterfront, across Water St. and up North St. to the Pirate Encampment at the Mayflower Society House.
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Visit the Pirate Encampment throughout the afternoon for musket and pike drills, colonial artisans in action, and sword fights. Keep your eyes peeled for Pirates causing ruckus around town!
During this time, visitors are also encouraged to enjoy the opening day for the Mayflower Society House’s season! Take a tour and learn about the Mayflower Society House’s three centuries of history.
2 p.m.
Witness the final, fatal sword fight between a rowdy sailor and the Pirate Captain on the front lawn of the Mayflower Society House.
2:30 p.m.
Join us for the Murder Trial of the Pirate Captain by the Plymouth Council of War – will he be convicted?!
3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Pirates Ashore Strongwater Soiree
Swing on by the New World Tavern, 56 Main St, Plymouth, MA for sea shanties with our pirates and a mug of “strongwater” from local brewery Independent Fermentations!
In 1646, three mysterious shiploads of English privateers sailed into Plymouth harbor flush with Spanish gold and rich cargoes they had seized in the Caribbean… Join us on Saturday, May 19th as we relive the tumult!
Pirates Ashore in Plymouth is an annual all-day reenactment of the little-known visit of three pirate ships to Plymouth Colony in May 1646 as described in Governor William Bradford’s Of Plimoth Plantation. Visitors of all ages are invited to spend the morning downtown at the Spire Center for Pirate and Pilgrim fun!
For more information, visit our website: